Making my plant to say more things

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  • #1507

    Hi all,

    I tried to modify the code of the botnaicalls through arduino but am still a beginner in it. Basically, I wanted the plant to say something different for different level of humidity. To do so, i added more tweets, more variables and replicated the code part for intermediate values. My problem, when the humidity is too high, the plant tweets repeatedly the higher value I put (625)… you can check it here!/Live_nature

    I’ll try to put here the parts of the code I modified compared to the original one, every help is very welcome!

    #define TWEET_DRY “Oh I am SO thirsty” //300

    #define TWEET_DRYA “No, really, I need water” //325

    #define TWEET_DRYB “What about a drink? Or two?” //350

    #define TWEET_DRYC “Is it just me or it’s dry here?” //375

    #define TWEET_DRYD “Nice weather, a bit dry though” //400

    #define TWEET_MOIST “Maybe a bit of fresh air?” //425

    #define TWEET_MOISTA “I just love the smell around” //450

    #define TWEET_MOISTB “I like the ambient here, very cosy” //475

    #define TWEET_MOISTC “Like bloomin’ all over again” //500

    #define TWEET_MOISTD “Isn’t today the perfect day?” //525

    #define TWEET_MOISTE “That’s the way I like it” //550

    #define TWEET_SOAKED “This is just perfect” //575

    #define TWEET_SOAKA “Hmmmmmmm… nice” //600

    #define TWEET_SOAKB “This soil feels SO good” //625

    #define TWEET_SOAKC “It’s a bit on the wet side” //650

    #define TWEET_SOAKD “Damp & humid, tropical style” //675

    #define TWEET_SOAKE “I forgot my swimsuit…” //700

    #define TWEET_SOAKF “Yes I like water, but…” //725

    #define TWEET_SOAKG “Oh dear, I’m drowning” //750

    #define THANK_YOU “Much appreciated, thanks!”

    #define OVER_WATERED “Thanks, but I just been watered”

    #define UNDER_WATERED “A bit more, please?”

    And in the checks tab:

    ///return values

    if ((moistAverage < 300) && (lastMoistAvg >= 300) && state < 15 && (millis() > (lastTwitterTime + TWITTER_INTERVAL)) ) {

    Serial.println(“DRY tweet”);

    posttweet(TWEET_DRY); // announce to Twitter

    state = 15; // remember this message


    else if ((moistAverage < 325) && (lastMoistAvg >= 325) && state < 14 && (millis() > (lastTwitterTime + TWITTER_INTERVAL)) ) {

    Serial.println(“DRYA tweet”);

    posttweet(TWEET_DRYA); // announce to Twitter

    state = 14; // remember this message


    else if ((moistAverage < 350) && (lastMoistAvg >= 350) && state < 13 && (millis() > (lastTwitterTime + TWITTER_INTERVAL)) ) {

    Serial.println(“DRYB tweet”);

    posttweet(TWEET_DRYB); // announce to Twitter

    state = 13; // remember this message


    else if ((moistAverage < 375) && (lastMoistAvg >= 375) && state < 12 && (millis() > (lastTwitterTime + TWITTER_INTERVAL)) ) {

    Serial.println(“DRYC tweet”);

    posttweet(TWEET_DRYC); // announce to Twitter

    state = 12; // remember this message


    else if ((moistAverage < 400) && (lastMoistAvg >= 400) && state < 11 && (millis() > (lastTwitterTime + TWITTER_INTERVAL)) ) {

    Serial.println(“DRYD tweet”);

    posttweet(TWEET_DRYD); // announce to Twitter

    state = 11; // remember this message


    else if ((moistAverage < 425) && (lastMoistAvg >= 425) && state < 10 && (millis() > (lastTwitterTime + TWITTER_INTERVAL)) ) {

    Serial.println(“MOIST tweet”);

    posttweet(TWEET_MOIST); // announce to Twitter

    state = 10; // remember this message


    else if ((moistAverage < 450) && (lastMoistAvg >= 450) && state < 9 && (millis() > (lastTwitterTime + TWITTER_INTERVAL)) ) {

    Serial.println(“MOISTA tweet”);

    posttweet(TWEET_MOISTA); // announce to Twitter

    state = 9; // remember this message


    else if ((moistAverage < 475) && (lastMoistAvg >= 475) && state < 8 && (millis() > (lastTwitterTime + TWITTER_INTERVAL)) ) {

    Serial.println(“MOISTB tweet”);

    posttweet(TWEET_MOISTB); // announce to Twitter

    state = 8; // remember this message


    else if ((moistAverage < 500) && (lastMoistAvg >= 500) && state < 7 && (millis() > (lastTwitterTime + TWITTER_INTERVAL)) ) {

    Serial.println(“MOISTC tweet”);

    posttweet(TWEET_MOISTC); // announce to Twitter

    state = 7; // remember this message


    else if ((moistAverage < 525) && (lastMoistAvg >= 525) && state < 6 && (millis() > (lastTwitterTime + TWITTER_INTERVAL)) ) {

    Serial.println(“MOISTD tweet”);

    posttweet(TWEET_MOISTD); // announce to Twitter

    state = 6; // remember this message


    else if ((moistAverage < 550) && (lastMoistAvg >= 550) && state < 5 && (millis() > (lastTwitterTime + TWITTER_INTERVAL)) ) {

    Serial.println(“MOISTE tweet”);

    posttweet(TWEET_MOISTE); // announce to Twitter

    state = 5; // remember this message


    else if ((moistAverage < 575) && (lastMoistAvg >= 575) && state < 4 && (millis() > (lastTwitterTime + TWITTER_INTERVAL)) ) {

    Serial.println(“SOAKEDA tweet”);

    posttweet(TWEET_SOAKA); // announce to Twitter

    state = 4; // remember this message


    else if ((moistAverage < 600) && (lastMoistAvg >= 600) && state < 3 && (millis() > (lastTwitterTime + TWITTER_INTERVAL)) ) {

    Serial.println(“SOAKEDB tweet”);

    posttweet(TWEET_SOAKB); // announce to Twitter

    state = 3; // remember this message


    else if ((moistAverage < 625) && (lastMoistAvg >= 625) && state < 2 && (millis() > (lastTwitterTime + TWITTER_INTERVAL)) ) {

    Serial.println(“SOAKEDC tweet”);

    posttweet(TWEET_SOAKC); // announce to Twitter

    state = 2; // remember this message


    else if (moistAverage > 625) {

    state = 1; // reset to messages not yet sent state


    lastMoistAvg = moistAverage; // record this moisture average for comparison the next time this function is called




    I guess it’s quite a dirty way, so any advice or direction would be helpful, thanks!

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